Eating Disorders and Body Image

Do you find that you have an unhealthy relationship with food? Whether it's emotional eating, restricting calorie consumption, or compulsive exercise, eating disorders get in the way of living life to the fullest and reaching our full potential. While they may serve a function or purpose in managing life when it feels out of control, you may be ready to find new ways to not only cope but to truly thrive! Begin the journey to engage life in accordance with your true values that reflect your authentic self. 


Common Symptoms - 

•               Restricting or consuming excessive amounts of food.

•               Excessive weight loss or gain.

•               Overeating until uncomfortably full.

•               Eating quickly and feeling out of control.

•               Purging through vomiting, excessive exercise, laxatives, diet pills, or diuretics. 

•               Change in mood - Feelings of depression and/or anxiety, irritability, etc. 

•               Social isolation. 

For more information about eating disorders and recovery, follow the links below for additional resources.

National Eating Disorder Association

The Eating Disorder Foundation - local support center nearby in Denver, Colorado. 

Something Fishy: Website on Eating Disorders